Tuesday, June 28, 2011



Grrrr for this week..

They called the week off and---------- die me


Thank god the line is still on.. Wahahahhahahah!

I just need someone to be near and special.. Who?

Naaaaahhh! Live alone lah..


Confius - Henry

Friday, June 24, 2011

Rhythm of my heart…


Fuck yeah!!

Hated in silence.. Who cares? Life is drama, full with karma…

Let the past be the past.. Someone is meant to do something for the vengeance..



- Henry

Tuesday, June 21, 2011



Alone right now…

I saw few lover pass by.. Happily… The smiles, the laugh… The glitter in the eyes…

Well then, all of that is not really meant for me…

That’s why I keep crashing others.. In the mean of helps but it messed up because of me then..

I won’t interfere in other’s lovey dovey affairs then after this..

Cause I’m not  love doctor or anything! I am who I am..

A loner, looner,  but yet, a looser..

I’m addicted to loneliness… Let me be……

Good bye my love..



Friday, June 17, 2011



I just read my blogger’s friend post…

* Jen Minsuarez's - ALIENATING MYSELF

She wrote about her feelings towards a boy.. Where they was classmates and IDK what happen.. change class maybe?

Damn I miss those moments!

Moments when I fell for someone, and all the adrenalines rush into my heart when I met him..

Try to run away but can’t.. *becoz we’re in the same school right?

Then I got my offer to university, and he was there!

Unbelievable.. Still I don’t talk to him coz,

HEY! It’s abnormal here in Malaysia.. haha *gonna get myself killed if I do that

But then, I can see him from far, smiles when we met, teasing each other like normal when we met, smirked..

But then, that is the memorable, sweet parts.. We got feelings for someone and we don’t know how to express it and just let it stale and rotten in our heart..

Then the person will go far from our life and we still LOVE him/her..

Lonely till die.. Cry…

Missing him… His smiles and everything…

I’m done with girls, and also guys..

But in my heart still got him.. Attached somewhere and can’t be ripped off..



Jerk - HENRY

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Macam SHIT


Life has been changing a lot in this few weeks..

I dont know what to say then…

The atmosphere tells…

‘They don’t like you’

‘They hate you’

‘They don’t like you to be near’

‘They don’t want you to borrow their properties’

‘You not worth it to be friend’

etc etc etc..

But then, I just need to suffer.. Whatever U talked at my back, I know..

* I know about it.. Don’t ask how..

Sorry people, I didn’t mean to sneak on what U talk, what U think, or anything.. It’s just, I take care of your feelings, I even didn’t create any bad perception behind ur back..

But why you did this to me?

Being alone is the answer but how can I avoid people?!


HURTed - Henry

Saturday, June 11, 2011




To much assignments to handle..

Gosh! Are the lecturers goin nuts or what?

Feels like goin to kill someone! Urgghh..

Assrill go die!

I hate you.. Fucker kacau aku..

Pastu tengok blue kat bilik aku.. KOTEY KECIK!



bitch - HENRY

Thursday, June 9, 2011



Tak larat dah nak buat ape2..

MALAS dah nak cakap.. Malas dah nak macam2 ngan orang..

It’s just, aku terlampau ambik tahu hal orang.. Terlampau sibuk nak komen pasal orang, hal rumah tangga diorang…

Hermmm… Tah la?

Maleh nak mencapap lebih2..

Yg penting,


Aku cuma kutuk orang, kalau diorang yg carik pasal ngan aku dulu.. Itu je.. Thanx..



Wednesday, June 8, 2011



Instead being tough, I choose to cry… *took it from my friend..

ermmm.. IDK what to do now.. Being part or tear apart..

Being me or faking de’..

I don’t know! I don’t know! I don’t know!

My heart is yelling out like crazy!!

Now it’s only me, my Winchesters * which gonna go next month..

I love watching Supernatural..

I love drama.. Nothing to worry about.. I can handle this..

I can live this life.. Then, after graduate, I’ll live with my parents and gonna take care of them..

It’s not a promise, it’s written..


Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Passed Away


I’m actually in shocked right now..

Nabil just called.. He said that our ex-housemate has passed away..

Muhd Syazwan..

This morning..

I hope Allah bless him..


Monday, June 6, 2011



Hai! Saya comel..

Nak crita sikit nih…

Kenapa aku merajuk? Kenapa aku anti ngan kau? Kenapa aku benci kat kau n kau pon benci kat aku?

Pernah tak??

Bile add orang, pastu orang tu reject, pastu kasi bonus yakni mesej berbentuk maki hamun?

OK gila kan?

Dah la tak pernah sembang, tak pernah gaduh, tak pernah ada isu pon ngan dia, apasal gitu?

Kes dia cuma ADD sahaja..

Selepas itu, aku TRAUMA nak add orang dah..

Dan itu pompan bertanggungjawab atas trauma tersebut..



Suka mengungkit – Henry


*I won’t speak to selfish bastard people..



Hai babi-babi sekalian!

Hari ni kite nak marah je taw!

Ade la sekor babi tu (dua actually..)

Mereka amat JAHAT!

Last year, U would do anything to kick us off from you..

Ignore our post at ur wall, ignore us when u’re hanging out with ur PRECIOUS FRIENDS..

I lalu sebelah cakap hai kat U pon tak layan.. Malu kot nak kawan ngan kami kan?

Dan sekarang…..

OK aku nak cakap kau SAMPAH! Sebok baik sana sini, sebok nak ajak kuar sana sini, sebok nak sembang BAIK sana sini…

Hey! Sedar la weh, TAKDAK MARUAH.. Yg orang gi layan dia jugak apa pasai?



Unbelievable – Henry

* I don’t believe in second chance.. Go die..

Someone I knew…


Hello people..

I feel so sad today..

It’s about someone I knew last year..

He suffered some sort of chronic kidney problems/failure..

Damn it’s hurt!

I hope he is okay..


Although I got some issues with him back then..

But then he still a friend what?

Although there is a few things about him that I don’t like and kinda annoys me, but then, I wish that I could do something to help him.. Instead of hating him..

Hermmmm.. He is fighting for his life right now…

Oh Allah, give his time to ‘taubat’…

Give him chance to meet You in clean..




Friday, June 3, 2011



I hate that I let you go! * Jessie J’s Nobody’s Perfect

-mesti kau tengah melalak lagu tu gila2 kan? hahahaha

Back to Arau… Everything seems NORMAL..

Menyampah? TIDAK..

Menyesal? GILA..

Suka? OH TIDAK..

Everybody is in good condition.. Good mood.. HOMESICKs FACES IS ON THE AIR.. haha

BEBOT, BEBE, AKU, n then sapa tah lagi?

Ada gak MUKA MENYAMPAH GILA BABI bila tengok aku.. huhu

Ade kesah nok? Takde aku kesah.. Pasal aku tak kebulor nak kawan ngan kaw! Ade kawan lain, campak kawan kat sini macam BABI.. Bila kawan dah takde, baru nak menyempit carik attention kat sini.. Kau ni manusia jenis hapa?

Pastu dulu sebok kate aku masuk campur urusan hidup kau la.. HELLO?! Pergaduhan aku dulu takde kaitan ngan kau OK? Kau ingat kau tu celebrity ka hapa?

*babi Dequadin ni pedas BODOH!

Pagi2 aku dah nyonyot Dequadin sbb tekak dah mula infected.. Grrrrr…

OK kecik hati skang nih.. Fitnah mula tersebar merata-rata…

Tak kisah la.. Aku tanak fight balik sbb itu suma kerja bengong..

Al kisahnya, marilah kita bersama-sama meningkatkan pencapaian akademik kita supaya dapat grad dengan jayanya..

SAKIT - Henry