Sunday, February 13, 2011

Life is A Lie


Dumped, by your loved one, is usual thing happens in  relationships..

Dumped by friend, is million times hurt..

A friend would never do that..

Even once..

They could walk away when we need them, but never dumped you in confuse..

I hate you Fizrul..

Why you made me as your black sheep?

Your sweet talks, advices, becomes arrows and dagger that cut my heart into million pieces..

I trust strangers no more..

Not even after what you have done to me..

I love all my friends..

I trust all my friends..

In the name of friendship, I care, I love and I’m willing to do anything..

But you betrayed the tie..

I’m the one who trust in friendship..

The knot that ties the world..

Durh.. YadaYadaYada..

No more sad talk..

Go to the hell to people who always do stupid thing to friends..

Add on, just speak the truth when you’re in dilemma..

It’s the only way you could walk away safe..

No lie please.. Thank You.

- Henry

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