Sunday, November 14, 2010

ALL THAT left…


4 semester in a row…

I left UiTM in sorrow….

The view, will never erased from my mind….

The empty view of colleges…

The empty view of the streets…

The empty view of classes…

The emptiness of joy in our heart…

The sorrow… The pain… The memories…

Even it was bitter or sweet…

That place brought us all together…

From all different background, become one there…

We share everything… As friends… More likely as siblings…

Helping the one who in needs…

Care by them who is wholeheartedly to give…

Thank You to :

1. Mamu (Akmal Asyraf)

2. Wawa (Hawa Izaty)

3. Asrill Jaljiz

4. Pijol (Faizul)

5. Afdal

6. Botak (wan Afiq)

7. Midi

8. Emman

9. Yg lain2 yg namenye ak tak sebut.. Sbb banyak sgt…


You guys have been GREAT friends..

Thank you again..


  1. alalalala..welcome mohsin...kami semua akan merinduimu mohsin..satu sem la aku tak leh gelak dgr hg ubah2 lagu pasal 'naga bora'..satu sem lah aku tak dgr lawak2 hg dgn asril..sob..sob..thanks mohsin,ko penyeri hidup kami semua!! =)

  2. huuuuu... Hang banyak tolong aku Mamu.. Terima kasih banyak2.. Allah ja balas jasa hang..

  3. how come i goes under mamujie ? i should be the first kot , hahahha :))
    btw , i'll bee missing u too sista !
    have fun 'working' babe , find hot guy for me okay ! !

  4. hey.. akak jumpe jantan akak makan dulu.. hihi

  5. Rangga??? Whos that pokemon...hahaha

  6. P/s: rangga love cinta....bosan ak dengan penat dan enyah saja kau pekat seperti berjelaga jika ku sendiri...
