Sunday, March 25, 2012

Wut is IT?


You are just another HEARTACHE on my list…

Arghhhhhh!! How can other’s life is so damn sweet and mine is miserable??

Wish someone would pass me their money and wealth to me and I just live away with a bunch of ‘RICH’ people in Bahamas..

Well, IDK whether it’s my fault or the others can’t be tolerant with me..

But hell yeah, one day god will show the way..

I don’t even care on style and standards, but the important is I LIVE ON MY OWN..

My pride and dignity is measured on my credit and debit * I only have 15K education loan and secret figure of savings.. hehe

By the way, need to work hard so I can buy a CAR by the end of this year..

Bye! - Henry


  1. *pats Henry's shoulder..

    Its alright Henry. you are not alone with that problem..

    Just don't lose your job!! earn and save money!!

    why don't you just get an apartment and live alone? :)

  2. Apartment? And there I'm dying.. hahaha
    I really need to see my mother to calm me everyday....
    haha.. But then I'll try to get a better job by the end of next month..
    Work hard and let GOD handle the rest.. hihi
