Seriously said, I dont know who send it to YOU! And Why YOU need to BLAST it, and please, PEOPLE don’t want to KNOW!!
At all..
Why you need to hurt my friend’s reputation? Why? You just an idiot human being that don’t need to be alive..
Mak bapak tak ajar ke?
Mereka tak kacau hidup kau.. Mereka tak cederakan kau langsong! Ape hal plak? Kang bile Tuhan balas kat kau berlipat juta kali ganda, baru taw..
Mmg la laki tu playboy, pompuan tu playgirl, tapi mereka juga ada maruah beb.. Maruah atas nama… kalau kau kate mereka suka berpoya poya ke, hape ke, jual body ke, bitch ke? Ko kesah pe?
Blog is build for people to share, bout themselves, not humiliate others (unless you are a politician)..
Last word, kau GAYGeMOKbODohTakLaku…
You suck being gay..
P/S – If you know that Gay+bitch+blog writer, ask him to see this..
here is the link –
I hate that blog too bro. Cheap write. Whoever s/he is, s/he is lame and totally douche.
Yah.. Seriously, Three of the victim is my friend.. Although mereka ta berapa baik, just let that be.. Their Life Their Way Their Rules kan?