It’s been a while I wrote my last post.
Recently, a tragedy happened again.. My BEST FRIEND, has attack me unnecessarily due to a big mouth person.. *again
IDK why? Why attack me? What am I doing wrong?
Who are you? What are you? Why suddenly causing chaos in my life?
Two best friend – I lost this year.. Because of shitty shatter of unknown people I’ve ever known..
I didn’t know you at the first place, I never speak with you, I didn’t hurt you, I didn’t insult both ( 2 case, 3 people) of you..
Why? To my friends whom I lost to you, please, I’m begging you, investigate this matter to the roots.. READ all the post, all the evidence that you can scourge and scratch..
* The fate of the poors like me,not like the ‘richie’ that can dupe and set the level of standard to people *like them..